Offer from Co-living Operators - Should I accept the Offer?

Lim Gary
Kayıt: 2024-05-22 15:08:52
2024-06-16 10:09:04

In 2022-2023 the Room Rental Market Has been Bouyant, with the slow down in the rental market in particular room rentals what is your risk when you rent out to them?


1) Get Establish Co-living Operators ( The Cons is they may not offer so agreesive because they have multiple choices of units available and huge inventories.)

2) Meet the Operator and Make sure you are Comfortable Dealing with them.

3) Negotiate on Deposit and the Minor Repairs.

4) State Clearly in the Tenancy Agreement on the obligations and Do-Do Nots

Actually alot of pitfalls can be avoided if you have the right people to do it. 

We can give recommendations and manage the co-living operators on behalf and be the point of contact for landlords.